As a strong Christian witness, the call to “Get Out There” is extremely important, as it applies to you, as you step onto a college campus. Sadly, instead of growing stronger, according to Barna Research, it is generally recognized that 7 out of 10 of you will defer your journey of faith to bend to the culture that most college campuses currently present. And 59% of you will lose track of your faith altogether!
If you have seen the movie “God’s Not Dead” you’ll know what I’m talking about!
The Warrior Class is designed to support and strengthen the faith that peers, parents and pastors, together, have shared with you over the years. If the trajectory of your witness is going to continue to develop and grow, it needs to be carefully nurtured and protected in any new college or university setting.
The Warrior Class is designed to do just that. It consists of a series of 15 videos, similar to “Ted Talks©”, with discussion points presented by Christian leaders from The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Choices Pregnancy Centers, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, Phoenix Seminary and The Alliance Defending Freedom.
Instead of letting the many negative influences overwhelm you, you will learn how to team up with like-minded Christian students and leaders to bring a positive, effective and loving impact that will encourage your fellow students to grow in their faith.
Please preview the Warrior Class content in this six minute trailer at: It is also available through the Warrior Class’ website at: or in its entirety on PureFlix or on Vimeo.
If you are a High School Senior and would like to take the course, the best time to do it, either self-directed or in a group, will be over the next five months. Please let us know at and we will be happy to help.
“The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.” – Isaiah 42:13